Starting and preparing a budget may seem like a daunting experience because many people don’t want to know their financial position, and it may seem too hard or not worth your time for many people; this is where it is okay to ask for help.
Many things in life need extra time and detail, and budgeting is one of them. The old saying is true: if you fail to plan, then you plan to fail, which is why budgeting is so important. In life, many things can and unfortunately will go wrong where you will need money to be able to fix or replace what has happened, whether this is a new fridge or simply a broken down car. If you don’t budget for said events and life itself, the risk of being financially unstable is much higher.
What is Budgeting?
Budgeting is estimating what both your income and expenses will be in the future. A budget allocates funds into specific categories, such as everyday expenses, emergencies, savings, fuel, etc. Breaking down these expenses based on your income will allow a better understanding of your current financial position and allow financial stability to become an everyday part of kiwi’s lives.
Budgeting is a financial tool that will help you in your everyday life to get on top of your finances and ensure that you are being smart with your money, as it maps out almost exactly where your money is going. It will allow you to understand what is essential to your everyday spending and help you cut out unnecessary things eroding your financial stability. Budgeting is a very smart way to help a person understand their financial position and will make it easier to ensure that you have money to pay your bills while also potentially putting some away for a rainy day.
How can a budget improve your financial stability and health?
Having a budget is how you can create your financial plan; like a successful business that plans all its finances, why can’t we also do that to ensure that we remain financially stable? A budget allows you to not only ensure that you are allocating the right amount of funds to your expenses so that you mitigate the risk of running out of funds to cover said expenses, but it also allows you to obtain a birdseye view of your finances so you can fulfil your expenses and see what you have left to start creating an emergency fund to ensure you have some funds for unforeseen situations such as your washing machine breaking. It allows you to see and understand your spending habits and gives you a plain view of what could be done better.
Creating a budget will allow you to see inefficiencies in your spending and understand better where you can save money and where you need to spend more money to remain as financially efficient as possible. To lay out your budget, it will show you exactly where your money is going and should be able to provide an understanding of where money could be saved and/or allocated in a different place, such as a highly important emergency fund.
Personal vs Business Budgeting:
Now, when it comes to budgeting, many people think that only businesses use budgeting to organise their finances. However, budgeting is one of the tools businesses use to ensure that they are running optimally and remain prosperous and financially stable. From a business perspective, budgets are a comprehensive breakdown of finances. They are usually broken down at many levels, from purchasing to distribution and even their product or service sales. From a personal perspective, a budget does not have to be so comprehensive and can be very simple, easy and understandable. Now it can be a scary thought to break down your finances and budget accordingly, but as soon as the stigma is overcome that it is either too hard or you do not want to see your finances sooner, financial stability can be achieved.
Why is budgeting so crucial in today’s age?
The financial state of the world is forever changing, and we have to ensure that we are adapting and changing to remain on top financially throughout all these uncertain times. With inflation rates on the rise and the Official Cash Rate being raised, we have seen an increase in the price of most things, including everyday necessities, which will continue to rise over the years.
With inflation on the rise and everyday essentials becoming increasingly expensive, being mindful of how you are spending will become a crucial factor that will help many people out of tough times. With prices on the rise, it will take a little while to get a budget correct and efficient as you will have to adjust it almost daily until it is correct, hence why starting a budget today is going to be far more beneficial than starting one tomorrow.
Budgeting Tips:
An easy way to start creating a personal budget is to obtain a simple budgeting template from google, as there are simple templates out there that can help you map what is needed. Firstly, to budget effectively, the income must be considered, and whether this is weekly or monthly, it can all be worked out similarly. Allocate your essential and non-essential expenses like a weekly takeaway dinner or something you have been saving for, like a new pair of shoes etc. But don’t forget to allocate some of your income to savings you can only touch for emergencies.
Getting help with a budget:
Starting and preparing a budget may seem like a daunting experience because many people don’t want to know their financial position, and it may seem too hard or not worth your time for many people; this is where it is okay to ask for help. Many financial advisers will be able to help you create a budget and aid in helping you towards achieving your financial goals in a realistic timeframe. If making a budget doesn’t seem like something you want to undertake on your own, then don’t stress there are many qualified people out there who can help you get on the right track to achieving your goals and help you become financially stable in the best way possible.