Find the Kiwisaver provider of a deceased person


Find the Kiwisaver provider of a deceased person

Discover how KiwiSaver funds are distributed in New Zealand when someone passes away without a will. Learn the steps to find the KiwiSaver provider of a deceased person and understand the role of legal assistance in handling complexities.


My brother passed away earlier this month. He died intestate and I couldn’t find any paperwork about his kiwisaver. I’ve approached IRD to try and find out who his provider might be but they’re saying I need a lawyer to access that information.

Do the rules of intestacy apply? Do I need a lawyer just to find out who his provider might be? I doubt it would have been over 15k.

 (Original question on Reddit)


Sorry for your loss. In New Zealand, when someone passes away without a will (intestate), their assets, including their KiwiSaver funds, are typically distributed according to the rules of intestacy. The distribution of assets under intestacy rules is governed by the Administration Act 1969 and may involve different family members, depending on the deceased person’s circumstances.

To find out the KiwiSaver provider of a deceased person, you may not necessarily need a lawyer, but it can be helpful to have legal assistance, especially if there are complexities in the situation. They can help you navigate the legal process, including obtaining necessary documents, accessing the KiwiSaver funds, and settling the intestate estate.

Keep in mind that KiwiSaver is a personal savings scheme, and privacy and financial regulations are in place to protect the account holder’s information. Accessing these funds may require the appropriate legal documentation and processes, which is why legal advice can be valuable in this situation.

Hope this helps.

Regards, Clive Fernandes (Financial Adviser)

Director – National Capital

Disclosure: I am the director of National Capital, a KiwiSaver advice firm. The views expressed in this article are the views of the author. The information provided is of a general nature and is not intended to be personalised financial advice. You may seek appropriate financial advice from a Financial Adviser to suit your individual circumstances or contact National Capital.