Author: ilmamani
What is Budgeting?
Starting and preparing a budget may seem like a daunting experience because many people don’t want to know their financial position, and it may seem t [...]
What is KiwiSaver?
Being set for your retirement is something that not many people think about until it is too late. There are far too many horror stories [...]
What is a mortgage?
What is a mortgage?
A mortgage is a loan from a bank or a non-bank lender such as a mortgage broker. The loan is given to a person to purchas [...]
New Zealand Superannuation
What is NZ Superannuation?
The New Zealand Superannuation, also called NZ Super is a retirement income for New Zeland citizens who are at [...]
What Is Insurance And How Does It Work?
In this unpredictable world, it can be a huge relief to know that your valuable belongings, and yourself, are protected. [...]
Personal Loans
Life can be a winding river that splits into smaller streams, and sometimes we hit a dam. In other words, we all sometimes need a little more money f [...]